The Los Angeles Regional Interoperable Communications System (LA-RICS) will vastly improve radio and broadband communication first responders. This gallery gives a chance for the public to see some of the equipment behind the scenes that makes LA great.
Supporting LA-RICS Member Agencies
LA-RICS personnel attend LASD’s Dispatcher of the Year (2024) award ceremony at the Sheriff’s Communication Center.
The LA County Fire Command and Control Center
Anchoring our system in the Downtown area, The Fire command and Control Center (FCCF) the new tower is shown in grey.
- Fire Command & Control Center
INDWT Site Tower Photos
- INDWT Panorama
- INDWT Front View
- INDWT Tower
- INDWT Boy Scout Bus near exit
Forming a LMR Tower Leg
- Rebar foundations for tower leg
- Inside of rebar foundation for tower leg
- Wooden formwork for concrete pour
- Wooden framework with concrete pour for tower leg
- Concrete pour with framework removed
- Tower leg with anchor bolts
Foundations Of A Site Shelter
- Rebar for a tank and generator
- Concrete pour over rebar foundation
- Concrete base foundation
- Lowering Pre-Fab Site Shelter
- Positioning Pre-Fab Site Shelter
- Site Shelter bolted into foundation